Friday, June 10, 2011

5 Generations

  On Memorial Day weekend, 2011, Papi and I went to Shreveport to visit my parents.  While we were there, your mommy and daddy drove over to Shreveport from your new home in West Monroe.  It was so good to see you and hold you and kiss you and see how much you have grown in the short time since you moved away from Texas.  You are blessed to have been able to be a part of this picture.  I believe that pictures of 5 generations are pretty rare.

  This is something that is a part of your history.  It's awesome.  You are being held by my grandmother who will be 99 years old this year.  She is your great-great grandmother.  Wow! 

The people in this picture:

Eula Pearl Day Wilson Dunn Jenkins - November 26, 1912
Robert Leroy Wilson - March 29, 1936
Melanie Gayle Wilson Bell Mitchum - January 26, 1960
Jonathan Daniel Bell - March 19, 1983
Maci Jo Bell - January 19, 2011

            P.S.  Notice:  Female, Male, Female, Male, Female


  1. Very cool Melanie. And I just noticed, not only do you and I share a birthday, but your grandmother and my brother share a birthday... November 26!

    Dave I.

  2. Beautiful picture and beautiful memories!
