It all started on Monday morning, Jan. 17, 2011. Your daddy called and said that your Aunt Laura was taking your mom to the hospital. Once she got there, they told her she was not really ready to have you so they sent her home. Your poor mom was miserable all day on Tuesday. I was at work and your Papi (Mark) was in another hospital. They thought he might have had a blood clot in his right leg, but later they found out it was a Baker's Cyst. After I visited Papi in the hospital that night when I got off work, I went straight home and got ready for bed. At 9:00 PM, your daddy called me and said he was taking your mom back to the hospital. He called back later and said they were keeping her there because you were ready to be born. I quickly got dressed again and drove up to the hospital. Your mom had just gotten her epidural, so she was comfortable and playing on Facebook! I waited out in the waiting room and visited with your Aunt Laura and her roomie Morgan.

Your daddy was so happy that you were going to be born soon. He couldn't wait! He kept updating me through text. It was a long night and nobody slept. We just kept waiting and praying for your safe arrival.
Finally, on Wednesday, January 19, 2011, you were born. You weighed 8 lbs. and 3 oz. and were 21.5 inches long. You had all your toes and fingers and you were just beautiful!
Here you are, very alert, probably trying to figure out what happened to you!
This was the first time I saw you and got to hold you. I cried tears of joy because I instantly loved you. You really looked so much like your daddy. I could see your mom in you, too. You were a very beautiful newborn and I was so thankful!
Your daddy was so happy and proud of you. I could tell that you had already wrapped him around your little finger, even though you were just a few minutes old.
Of course, your Aunt Laura was very happy to have you as her first niece.
See the joy in your daddy's face!
Your mommy did a great job giving birth to you. Here is your first family pic!
You were very content to be in your mommy's arms. So many people love you!
I am glad that you are here. You are a blessing from the Lord and I look forward to loving you for many years. Always remember that your Mimi loves you! Yes, I do!!!