Sunday, February 2, 2014

Maci is 3 Years Old!

3 years old!  Wow, it's hard to believe that you are 3.  You are not a baby anymore.  You are a beautiful, little girl who is full of life and personality.  You are very smart and your vocabulary is very advanced.

Papi and I were very happy to come to your 3rd birthday party.  It was the theme of Minnie Mouse.  You greeted us at the door when we arrived.  You looked so cute in your Minnie Mouse dress.
You can now sign "I love you" very clearly and we love it when you sign it.  We love you, too!
I love this picture because it shows so much personality in your eyes.  It also shows how sugar affects you, LOL!  You enjoyed eating your birthday cake.
You are also a little entertainer.  You love to sing and dance and your mommy and daddy have gotten a few cute videos of you showing your talent.  You also like to play dress up, especially in Disney princess dresses.  Here are a few cute pics:

You are also taking dance lessons and Papi and I are looking forward to coming to your first dance recital. 
You are our princess and we love you very much!


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