Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome, Grandson!

Hi Bentley!

Welcome to our family.  You have been loved for 9 months and now you are here and I can show you how much I love you!

I was so excited when your Daddy called me and said that you had been born.  I immediately cried with happiness.  I couldn't wait until Papi and I could drive from Texas to meet you.  We left early on Friday morning and arrived at the hospital.  You were just perfect.  A handsome baby boy.  I couldn't quit smiling.  Your sister, Maci, is loved so much and now our love has doubled! 

These pictures are when Papi and I first held you. You were so sweet and I just couldn't quit kissing your little head.  We were both surprised that you had hair because neither your daddy or your sister had hair when they were born.  Also, it was exciting to see that it was red!!
You have been blessed with a great Mommy, Daddy, Sister, and many other family members who love you and will enjoy watching you grow up.
I am a proud Mimi with 2 beautiful grandkids.
So, Bentley Christian Bell, remember that your Mimi (and your Papi) loves you!!!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Grandson!

I guess the Lord thought I have been a good Mimi to Maci because now He is blessing me with a grandson, Bentley Christian Bell.  He is due on August 21, 2014.  Papi and I are very excited to welcome another grandchild. 

Bentley, this past weekend, your Aunt Laura hosted a baby reveal party.  Even your mommy and daddy didn't know if you were a boy or a girl until they cut the cake and saw the blue.  Then, they proudly announced your name.  It was a fun and exciting time for everyone.

Papi had just gotten out of the hospital, so we weren't able to attend the party.  But, we were there on Skype and saw the reveal.  We were both very happy and excited to find out that you are a boy!
Your mommy and daddy already love you!!

You can see how excited your mommy was when she cut the cake and saw the blue.
Maci is going to be a good big sister and you will love her as much as all of us do.
Well, we all can't wait until August when you enter this world and we can all love on you!
Bentley Christian Bell........Your Mimi Loves you!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Maci is 3 Years Old!

3 years old!  Wow, it's hard to believe that you are 3.  You are not a baby anymore.  You are a beautiful, little girl who is full of life and personality.  You are very smart and your vocabulary is very advanced.

Papi and I were very happy to come to your 3rd birthday party.  It was the theme of Minnie Mouse.  You greeted us at the door when we arrived.  You looked so cute in your Minnie Mouse dress.
You can now sign "I love you" very clearly and we love it when you sign it.  We love you, too!
I love this picture because it shows so much personality in your eyes.  It also shows how sugar affects you, LOL!  You enjoyed eating your birthday cake.
You are also a little entertainer.  You love to sing and dance and your mommy and daddy have gotten a few cute videos of you showing your talent.  You also like to play dress up, especially in Disney princess dresses.  Here are a few cute pics:

You are also taking dance lessons and Papi and I are looking forward to coming to your first dance recital. 
You are our princess and we love you very much!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Going to the Mall

You and your mom were visiting in Arlington, recently.  After work, Papi and I went to your Grammy's to pick you up and take you to the mall.  We were a little worried that you might not go with us because you don't like to be away from your Mommy.  Your mom did a great job of preparing you for this trip.  When we got to the house, you were excited to see us and ready to go.  We told you that we were going to "ride the animals" which is your way of saying that you were going to ride the merry-go-round.  You got in the car just fine.  You told your mom bye and off we went.  You were very excited and were making me and Papi laugh.  You were squealing with excitement and saying that we were going to the mall.  When we got there, Papi held you and we went to the merry-go-round.  On the way, people were looking at you and making comments about how cute you are.  It made us feel very proud.

We finally got to the merry-go-round and bought you an "all you can ride" ticket, which was a paper bracelet that we put on you.  Papi kept the camera so he could take pictures.  I let you pick out the horse that you wanted to ride first.  As we were going around, you were telling me which animal you wanted to ride next.  It was a rabbit.  Then, you wanted to sit in the big chair.  After that, we decided to take a break and get some supper.

We ate in the food court at the mall.  We got you a grilled cheese sandwich and some fries from Sonic.  You ate the whole sandwich and a few of the fries.  After we ate, you said you were ready to go home.

It was the first time that I really felt like a grandma.  It was so much fun taking you on a little outing and letting you decide what to do.  On the way home, you sang for us.  You just melted our hearts.  We know as you grow older, you will be more comfortable going with us.  We love you so much and are just thrilled at how much you are growing and talking. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Maci is 2 Years Old!!

 Happy Birthday, Maci!  It seems like you were just born, but you just turned 2 years old.  Wow, you are growing up fast.  You are as cute as ever.  This is a fun age because you are learning how to express your little thoughts.  It is so much fun to hear you talk and sing and watch you sign. You are full of life and everyone who meets you loves you.  Your mommy did a great job giving you a 2nd birthday party with the theme of Olivia the Pig.  The picture on the left is of you eating some of your cake at your party.

The picture on the right is your daddy eating his birthday cake at his 2nd birthday party.  This was at his daycare.

You love taking baths.  When your daddy was little, he loved taking baths, too. 
This was taken when he was 2 years old.
Your mommy and daddy took you to your first Mardi Gras parade.  You had a good time and loved the parade.  You got a lot of beads and I guess you wanted to wear them all at the same time!

Your daddy did the same thing when he was 2.  He does have as many beads on that you too, but it was amazing that I had a picture of him wearing the you!
Maci, you are such a blessing and a gift from God!  Mimi loves, so much!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You Are Growing Up So Fast

I can't believe that you just turned 20 months old.  You will be 2 years old in just 4 short months.  Wow!  You are so smart.  You are talking a lot, even though we can't always understand what you are saying, LOL.  But, you know so many of the family members' names.  You are also signing words like Mama, Daddy, dog, bath, more, milk, bath, and I am sure there are others.  You love to sing and dance and make us laugh. 

You hair is finally growing and it's red!  You are such a cutie and so many people love you.  I know you keep your Mom and Dad busy with all of your activity.  They give you so much love and it shows. 

I wish that we lived close to you.  One day Papi and I plan to move to West Monroe to watch you grow up in person instead of just on Skype.  We do, however, really like talking to you on Skype.  It just thrills my heart when you say, "MIMI!!!" and then you immediately ask where Papi is.  That thrills him, too.  We both love you so much.

Recently, your Mom and Dad took you to the fair.  They took some great pictures.  Here is a cute picture of you on the Merry Go Round.  And, of course, I found one that I took of your daddy's first time on the Merry Go Round.