You hair is finally growing and it's red! You are such a cutie and so many people love you. I know you keep your Mom and Dad busy with all of your activity. They give you so much love and it shows.
I wish that we lived close to you. One day Papi and I plan to move to West Monroe to watch you grow up in person instead of just on Skype. We do, however, really like talking to you on Skype. It just thrills my heart when you say, "MIMI!!!" and then you immediately ask where Papi is. That thrills him, too. We both love you so much.
Recently, your Mom and Dad took you to the fair. They took some great pictures. Here is a cute picture of you on the Merry Go Round. And, of course, I found one that I took of your daddy's first time on the Merry Go Round.