"Are you excited about becoming a grandmother?" is what everyone is asking me. Of course I am! I am more than excited even just thinking about it. I loved having my 2 children and know that I have a lot of love to give their children....my grandchildren!
My first grandchild, a girl, named Maci Jo is due on January 29, 2011. If she comes early, she might be born on my 51st birthday which is January 26th. That would be a sweet gift! But, she will be a sweet gift no matter when she is born.
Last Saturday, was the first baby shower. It was fun watching my daughter-in-law Eichelle opening all of her gifts. The ladies who attended were ohhing and ahhing at all the cute little outfits she was receiving. I just kept trying to picture Maci Jo wearing the cute clothes and tiny shoes.
Jonathan, my son, was not supposed to be there, but he was in the kitchen waiting for his friend to come get him. He was watching as his wife opened each gift. I could tell that he, too, was excited about the things his daughter was getting.
Maci Jo Bell......when are you going to come into this world? What are you going to look like? Will you have red hair? (I think you will!!!). What color will your eyes be? Those are questions that I can't answer at this time.
The only question I can answer for sure is, "are you excited about becoming a grandmother?" The answer is, YES!!